Dr. Thomas Millner
Clinical Senior Lecturer and Honorary Consultant Neuropathologist, Queen Mary University of London
Thomas Millner completed a BSc in Neuroscience followed by medical training (MBBS). He was awarded a Clinical Research Training Fellowship (MRC/The Brain Tumour Charity) for a PhD in molecular oncology focusing on epigenetic dysregulation in glioblastoma in Silvia Marino’s lab at the Blizard Institute, QMUL. He was then appointed as an NIHR Clinical Lecturer and undertook neuropathology specialty training in London. He is currently a Clinical Senior Lecturer in Molecular Neuropathology at the Blizard Institute and an Honorary Consultant Neuropathologist at The Royal London Hospital and The National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, in London.
His research focuses on epigenetic dysregulation in brain tumours and the surrounding brain during tumour initiation, progression and treatment, with an emphasis on human tissue-based techniques. The overarching aim of his research is to use laboratory insights to help develop personalised medicine strategies that could improve treatment for brain tumour patients.